Oral Cancer - Justine Barton

Recently, one of my fellow colleagues contacted me and asked if I would provide a presentation on oral cancer for her DCP study group at The Wessex Centre in Fareham.


I have had two family members who have undergone treatment for oral cancer, one was diagnosed with a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in his neck with a primary tumour found in his tonsil.


The other family member found a lump in his neck, which after a biopsy was found to be a metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, no primary tumour was found, the maxillofacial surgeon told us that sometimes the body can deal and kill off the primary tumour. My family have been very fortunate as both members have recovered fully and for this, we are all very grateful.


I discussed in detail the journeys of two of my family members who had been diagnosed with oral cancer, from diagnosis after biopsies to surgery involving a neck dissection and removal of several lymph nodes in the side of the neck. chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment.


On this occasion I was generously provided with TePe Hydrating Gel, TePe Pure Unflavoured Toothpaste, TePe Mouthwash and TePe Special Care Toothbrushes, this range which has been developed recently will aid patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer who may undergo courses of treatment involving surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


The patient may experience pain and sensitivity caused by the effect of treatment to the oral tissues.


They may experience oral conditions such as Xerostomia which can be caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy and post-surgery if salivary glands have been removed.


The Challacombe scale can be used to note the level of dryness with a scale/score of 1 to 10 describing mild/moderate or severe Xerostomia.


Ulceration and Oral Mucositis affects almost 100% of cancer patients, undergoing radiotherapy presenting after a few weeks of radiation treatment and may last for over six weeks after completion of treatment. Dysphagia is very common during treatment.


During this time oral hygiene is of the utmost importance, the mouth can be extremely sore, so a gentle oral hygiene regime is key.

TePe Unflavoured Toothpaste (SLS) free


TePe unflavoured and mild peppermint toothpaste is sodium lauryl sulphate free (SLS) and ideal for patients undergoing oral cancer treatment as SLS is a known irritant that can cause desquamation and irritation of the gingiva and mucosa, which can be extremely debilitating and painful in patients undergoing oral cancer treatment.

This toothpaste is available unflavoured, so will be very gentle and prevent discomfort to the oral tissues when used to brush teeth.

It contains 1450ppm sodium Fluoride the recommended amount stated in Delivering Better Oral Health (DBOH) with the increased risk of caries due to xerostomia, this can help to combat caries by promoting remineralisation of the enamel and reducing demineralisation.


TePe Special Care Toothbrush


This toothbrush is made from 12000 extremely soft brush filaments and is recommended for use after oral surgery and patients with sore oral tissues.

The toothbrush small, narrow head this is ideal for patients with limited mouth opening which is often the case after oral surgery or radiation treatment it will allow easy access into the mouth and small enough to reach at the back of the mouth, to enable toothbrushing as it is very important to maintain good oral hygiene during oral cancer treatment


TePe Hydrating Mouth Gel Mild Peppermint or Unflavoured


As discussed earlier in the text, patients undergoing head and neck cancer treatment can experience Xerostomia.  TePe’s Hydrating gel with its ingredients such as Betaine has been proven to help soothe and reduce symptoms of Xerostomia.  Betaine helps the rinse to become more viscous enabling it to coat the surfaces of the oral tissues creating a soothing and moisturising effect, which can help give relief to the extreme soreness experienced by patients, this can be applied regularly throughout the day.

TePe Hydrating Mouthwash


This mouthrinse contains several ingredients which make it a valuable and effective adjunct in oral health care for patients dealing with the effects on the oral tissues of xerostomia during and after oral cancer treatment, such as reduced saliva flow the functions of flushing, swallowing, speech, remineralisation and buffering effects to reach a neutral PH in the mouth will be greatly diminished.


Ingredients such as 0.2% Fluoride, which is clinically proven to help reduce caries and root caries can help combat the increased cares risk associated with xerostomia.