
TePe monitors the emissions of the purchased materials for our self-produced products and packaging by implementing a life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology per ISO 14040 and 14044. The assessment shows the most critical factors in reducing the carbon footprint, and includes materials, energy, transport and waste management. With that, plastic has its benefits and its challenges. It is outstanding in terms of application, weight, quality and hygiene. We are convinced that plastic has its place in modern society, though with a more circular approach than today. 


Other critical factors identified by the life cycle assessment concern transport and end-of-life. In 2023, we continued our efforts to transition from air to sea freight. We have an ongoing project aimed at optimising shipments to and from the factory. Affecting the footprint from end-of-life is the most challenging part, to affect since it is a matter of waste-handling at various markets. However, we are working with stakeholders to explore new and better circular solutions. 

The process of mass balance


1. TePe buys 100% renewable plastic.


2. TePe's products keep the same high quality.


3. Our suppliers produce and sell a mix of fossil and renewable plastic to TePe.


4. Accelerated reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and a shift toward more circular solutions.

*TePe Choice toothbrush, made with a reusable wooden handle, and TePe GOOD toothbrush handle made with materials sourced from sugarcanes.