Climate impact

Taking action to combat climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. To tackle this challenge, we need to reduce greenhouse (GHG) emissions.


At TePe we aim to continuously reduce our GHG emissions throughout the life cycle of our products and business activities. This is an ongoing journey. We are guided by Agenda 2030 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), especially seven of them, in areas where we can make the biggest difference. We take a holistic approach to sustainability, including environmental, economic, and social aspects.


Several of the SDGs concern climate action, GHG emissions and resource efficiency. Therefore, and based on our materiality analysis, we have made it one of our priorities to reduce our GHG emissions.

  • Shifting to renewable materials
    Since materials are an area within our control, we are shifting to more sustainable raw materials in our production.


  • Shifting to renewable/recycled packaging
    We are increasing the share of sustainable materials in packaging, with the aim that 100% of our packages should include renewable, recycled or FSC certified packaging materials in 2025, as well as improving packaging recyclability. New packaging is optimised for transport and dimensioned to fit pallet sizes.


  • Using renewable energy
    We use renewable energy and increase energy efficiency across our business. Our initiatives include upgrading our manufacturing equipment and cooling systems and making our buildings more energy efficient, utilising as much heat as possible from production. We have also invested in our own rooftop solar power plant.


  • Finding sustainable transport options
    We are prioritising shipping by boat over air freight and are looking into further efforts to lower the impact of shipments to and from the factory.