To treat or not to treat? Update on detection, diagnosis and management of dental caries (Englisch)

Dienstag, 20. Mai & Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2025


45 Min. + Fragerunde

Prof. Dr. Klaus Neuhaus MMA MAS


New products have been developed that are praised to detect caries lesions earlier and with higher sensitivity. Once a caries lesion is detected there are many possibilities to control and manage the lesion. This lecture gives an overview on the latest developments in caries detection, its diagnosis and its management. Are dental professionals inferior, if they rely on visual examinations and bitewing radiography, or is it necessary to employ additional caries detection devices in the office? Is caries prevention with fluoride sufficient, or are there other methods at hand that are more suitable with regards to caries control?



Ziele des Webinars


  • Update on the latest ORCA*/EFCD* consensus on caries detection, assessment and diagnosis
  • Have knowledge of CPP-ACP***, self-assembling peptides, and infiltration technique for caries control


*ORCA=Organization for Caries Research
** EFCD= The European Federation of Conservative Dentistry

***CPP-ACP= Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate



  • To be competent at detection of early caries lesions
  • To be familiar with the pros and cons and indication of CPP-ACP, self-assembling peptides, and infiltration technique for caries control

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Über den Referenten

Klaus Neuhaus is a trained pianist, pediatric dentist, and has earned a Master of Advanced Studies in Restorative Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry and Endodontics at the University of Bern. He runs a private dental office in Switzerland and offers continuing education in General Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry in his office. He is editor of two books and has published in numerous peer reviewed journals. Next to his private practice Klaus Neuhaus is researcher at the Department of Restorative, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Bern, Switzerland.