Webinare on demand

Nehmen Sie "on demand" an unseren englischsprachigen Webinaren zu einer Reihe von Themen teil. Von allgemeinen Themen wie der Mundgesundheit bis hin zu spezifischeren Themen wie z. B. unseren Spezialbürsten.

TePe Specialty brushes

Many times, a toothbrush and interdental cleaning product is enough, but for some patients or oral conditions, a specialty brush is needed to achieve that optimal oral hygiene. Learn about our products together with the TePe Dental professionals.

Teaming up for improved success

Sweden is well-known for focusing on prevention and all members of the dental team working closely with the patients. At Tandvårdshuset, we meet dental technicians, dental assistants, dentists, and dental hygienists who have taken teamwork to their hearts. Get inspired to take your teamwork to the next level.  

Towards a healthy lifestyle

How can we, as dental professionals, help increase the knowledge and awareness of how daily habits impact health? We’ll discuss how diet and physical activity are connected to oral health. We’ll also provide some tips on how you can improve holistic caretaking by focusing on getting a broader picture of your patients. 

Unlocking the secrets

The presence of saliva is essential for oral health. In addition to assisting speech and eating, saliva has many other functions including neutralisation of acid, remineralisation of enamel, and facilitation of taste. In this webinar we will describe where saliva comes from, what's in it, the causes of reduced production and more.

Sustainability - a journey that matters

Shining a light on the path towards sustainability by sharing best practices being implemented within dentistry and in the world around us. How can a long-term sustainable strategy support patient compliance and business success? Join our Sustainability Manager Julia Lönnegren, when we explore essential frameworks and tools to make informed decisions about sustainability.