Integrating sustainability

Integrating sustainability in everything we do


In a conversation with Julia Lönnegren, we gain insights into the company’s commitment to positive sustainable development and how the sustainability team supports and monitors progress.

Cross-functional sustainability team

The sustainability journey at TePe is supported by a cross-functional sustainability team that represents key areas across the TePe organisation. Functioning as ambassadors for sustainability, the team is guided by the business strategy. Their mission is about creating awareness, supporting changes, setting goals and monitoring progress on sustainability matters
across the TePe Group. Regular monthly meetings ensure ongoing progress, and insights are presented during the quarterly Management Review with the
Group Management Team.


"We take a holistic and long-term approach to sustainability, ensuring it continues to be a natural part of our DNA."


Well-being of a global workforce

The health and well-being for our diverse and expansive global workforce requires a respect for individual roles, differences, and perspectives. With a workforce exceeding 400 individuals dispersed across 8 subsidiary markets, TePe places a strong focus on employee happiness and engagement, consistently achieving good scores.


Sustainable industry transformation

In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, TePe’s sustainability initiatives stress the importance of global collaborations and partnerships as important drivers for a more sustainable industry.

– In order to achieve meaningful sustainability goals, partnerships are essential. We actively collaborate with suppliers, universities and distributors to create a ripple effect for positive change. Our sustainability journey is about innovative solutions for reduced environmental impact and creating
a lasting positive impact on oral health and well-being globally, Julia says, highlighting the collaborative spirit.

"We actively collaborate with suppliers, universities, and distributors to create a ripple effect for positive change."


Julia Lönnegren, Sustainability Manager at TePe