Community engagement and collaborations

Strategic partnerships and collaborations are essential to drive sustainable development. In line with goal 17, Partnershiop for the goals, we work together with other stakeholders to learn, drive change and contribute with our knowledge. Our partnerships and collaborations focus on sustainable development, health, research, and innovation. 


One example is the STEPS research programme, whose vision is a society where plastics are sustainably produced, used and recycled in a circular economy. 


We also cooperate with academia and the dental and health profession worldwide to raise awareness of health and sustainability issues. One such collaboration is our long-standing participation in the ISO Dental Care committee, which contributes with 2 standards to UN SDGs 3 and 9.


Furthermore, we are partners with Swedish Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SSPI, Svensk Förening för Parodontologi och Implantologi) to promote preventive dental practices.


Pictured to the left is Dr. Anna Bogren, Specialist in Periodontology, Associate Professor at Umeå University in Sweden and the President of the SSPI together with Anna Nilvéus Olofsson, DDS, Manager Odontology and Scientific Affairs at TePe.

The establishment of a dental clinic with the development project Kenswed Dental Project, began in 2020 by Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation, Global Relations and the Kenswed Organisation in Kenya in a partnership with TePe.


Through our TePe Share educational efforts, we support professional development for dental care and pharmacy staff. Collaborations also include dental hygienist and dental student associations in our subsidiary markets. Local initiatives are frequently actioned by TePe's subsidiaries, distributors, and collaboration partners in different parts of the world. 


TePe continuously endorses and promotes the work of the Eklund Foundation, which was established in 2015 by TePe's owner family to support research and education in the dental field all over the world. Grants are distributed annually.