Sustainability: a journey that matters

20 March


45 min + Q&A

Julia Lönnegren, Sustainability Manager at TePe


Shining a light on the path towards sustainability by sharing best practices being implemented within dentistry and in the world around us. How can a long-term sustainable strategy support patient compliance and business success?

In this webinar we will explore essential frameworks and tools to make informed decisions about sustainability, as well as the connection between sustainable dentistry, prevention and reduced environmental impact.

Why focus on sustainability? Because our futures depend on it!


Target group

Dental professionals and other health professionals interested in sustainable development



  • To give insights into the opportunities of integrating sustainability into strategies and daily work
  • To explain linear and circular business models within dentistry
  • To illustrate global frameworks that support decision making and KPIs to effectively measure progress within sustainability


Learning outcomes

  • To have knowledge of practical ways of working to integrate sustainability into long- and short-term strategies and plans
  • To have knowledge of factors and KPIs to successfully measure development
  • To have knowledge of the connection between sustainable dentistry, prevention and environmental impact


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About the speaker

Julia Lönnegren, Sustainability Manager at TePe, is responsible for the development and execution of TePe´s sustainability plan. She leads the sustainability group at TePe that ensure sustainability is integrated in all business activities across the value chain. Guided by TePe´s vision and Agenda 2030, the group reinforce cross-functional collaboration and take a holistic approach to all three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social and economic).