Effect of different toothbrushing routines on interproximal fluoride concentration

Interproximal fluoride concentration after toothbrushing with toothpaste is a factor to consider in caries prevention. This research project is looking into the impact of the amount of toothpaste, duration of brushing and amount of water used when rinsing afterwards. Different types of toothpaste – paste, gel and foam – were also evaluated.


The study group was instructed to brush according to their standard technique. Interdental saliva samples were collected for evaluation, and the results were described as the area under the curve in a diagram with time (0–60 min) on the x-axis and fluoride concentration (ppm) on the y-axis. Toothbrushing with 2 cm of toothpaste, performed during 2 minutes and finished by rinsing with 10 ml of water resulted in the highest saliva fluoride concentration interdentally, while the use of 1 cm of toothpaste, brushing performed during 1 minute and rinsing with 20 ml of water provided the lowest concentration.


The results also present a higher fluoride concentration in samples collected after using paste and gel, compared with foam. The results from this study present a significant impact on interproximal fluoride concentration depending on the amount of toothpaste, brushing duration and the amount of water for rinsing. The type of toothpaste also seems to matter. The authors stress the importance of providing this information to patients to optimise their use of fluoridated toothpaste.

A summary of a scientific article

This summary of a scientific study by Ishizuka Y et al. is presented by Anna Nilvéus Olofsson, DDS, Manager Odontology and Scientific Affairs. Click here for more information.