Understanding the complexities of the brain during oral hygiene instruction (Englisch)

11. Februar 2025, 19 Uhr und 12. Februar 2025, 12 Uhr


45 Min. + Q&A

Heather Wong, MSDH, RDH (TePe USA)


By understanding how the brain takes in information and develops new habits, we can accomplish significantly better oral home care routines with our patients. When we deliver home care instructions aimed at memory retention and motivation, using evidence-based behavioural change frameworks, and having knowledge of a broad range of oral homecare tools to recommend, we can truly see the change to healthy gums. 



Dental professionals


Ziele des Webinars


  • Identify how the patient's brain processes information during a dental visit 
  • Strategize an individualized patient-centred appointment while implementing different behaviour change models 
  • Deliver individualized home care recommendations based on the patient's needs 



  • To have knowledge on how the brain is involved in memory creation, habit development, and how stress impacts the brain during oral hygiene instruction 
  • To have knowledge on the attributes of patient-centred care 
  • Understand practical ways to implement current behavioural change models and frameworks 

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Über die Referentin

Heather Wong, MSDH, RDH is the Professional Relations Manager for TePe Oral Health Care USA and a dental hygienist. She has over 11 years’ experience working clinically as a hygienist in both periodontal and general practices, and she has worked full-time with TePe since 2019. Heather has been adjunct faculty at both Pacific University and Pasadena Community College, where she currently serves on the advisory board. She has served and supported the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) at both the state and local levels as Treasurer, Trustee, and as a delegate. Heather has presented CE lectures with dental hygiene associations (state and national), Western Society of Periodontology, California Society of Periodontology, ADHA, and many webinars with TePe. Her research is focused on homecare and habit formation.